Sunday, August 28, 2011

I'd Rather Be Living

And I have been. Lots of living to have been done lately.
There is something about simply enjoying simple daily pleasures that make me so happy. Like seeing the first signs of autumn. Discovering new (good) musicians. Chipping all my nail polish off. Owling.
Life has been pretty good lately. It's been pretty happy. It's been pretty full. It's been pretty much amazing. This month hasn't been the greatest, but the past week has been fantastic. And yesterday was one of those days when you want to throw your hands up and scream, "I had the most freaking amazing day ever!" Because it basically was. It wasn't particularly anything special. I didn't even do a lot. But it was so amazing. So fun. So beautiful. And it looked so autumnal outside.

But life has been treating me well.

I went to some of my friend's home church last Sunday for one of my buddy's 17th birthday.
I went to church on Wednesday and had a great time of worship. And had the Lord's Supper. And watched around 15-20 people get baptized.
Got to talk to a person with Downs Syndrome. I love people with Downs. They're so sweet and cute. <3
Broke my typical rule of being a mature, snarky, and old junior by climbing up in the coolest playground ever with my best friend.
Found a three and a half inch long roach on my wall next to my bed soon after I got up.
Heard my brother scream louder than I've ever heard him scream before (which says a lot. Because he screams pretty loudly. And he has a really deep voice. So it's painful. Especially when you're innocently looking at shoes on the DSW website and suddenly your eardrums are busted and you're pretty sure your ears are bleeding)
Was so mad about something I wanted to rip my hair out. But I refrained. And just sat there and smiled. Amusing predicament.
Decided this song was pretty fantastic. Good first dance song at a wedding. Definitely.

And that was just my week. My yesterday was even better. Credit all the pictures (except the last two in this post) to one of my favorite people, Holly <3

Went hiking with all of my best friends
For at least three miles.
And didn't die.
Or even whine.
Saw the first signs of autumn in the deep blue sky and beautiful warm toned light that shone through the trees.
Felt like we were in the Fellowship of the Ring with nine super awesome people walking around in a place that looked identical to places in the movie.
Went to a place that is usually has super awesome waterfalls, but was turned off.
And there were lots of pretty deep pockets of water.
And what do you do when you're hot and there are 27 signs saying don't swim and the water is super pretty and looks awesome?
You go swimming.
So awesome. Except when my cousin, Macy, and Daniel dunked me in the water.
And I had mascara on.
And I looked emo.
And everyone laughed at me.
Swam for at least 30 minutes.
Felt so crazy joyful. Not happy. Joyful. Merry. Frolicsome.
Skipped over tons of rocks joyfully.
Saw a white turtle.

Didn't have my camera and was super chagrined about that.
Laid out on a rock and was pretty sure I was going to get a third degree burn it was so hot.
Randomly loved this picture of my brother.

Went back to my friends' house.
Sat around. Talked.
Wanted to take a nap because nothing makes me more tired than swimming (or taking care of three year olds, but that's beside the point)
Watched a video of my friend Rachel rapping when she was eight years old
Listened to RelientK with my brother on the way home
Took a picture with my buddyyy Holly with our Dr. Seuss shirts on

So although I adore blogging.....
I'd rather be living. <3
(so I can later blog about how I'd rather be living. how ironic. and stupid of me)

The cream of enjoyment in this life is always
The chance walk; the unexpected visit;
the unpremeditated journey;
the unsought conversation or acquaintance.
{fanny fern}

Friday, August 12, 2011

A Taste in Music

Or rather, my taste in music.
My taste in music has grown over the years; when I was younger, about all I would listen to was Christian music, and even then I was very particular about it - it had to be Steven Curtis Chapman, Chris Tomlin, Third Day, or some such very well known band that my parents enjoyed. Then people started getting me to listen to other music. Like. Pop music. Which terrified me at first. Yes. Really. But as I began to discover new music, I found that, hey, it's actually pretty good. But the stuff that I first started listening to was stuff like Taylor Swift and popular Miley Cyrus songs. Mostly just pop music, and a little country here and there.
That has changed again quite recently. I've found that tho, yes, I still do enjoy pop music (-gasp-), I'm much more likely to enjoy something along the lines of alternative or singer/songwriter or some rock music than I will enjoy pop music.
So. With that being said, here are a few of my favorite bands and singers, why I like them, aannndd if you're even slightly interested, some songs by them that I highly recommend. Soherewego....

Band: Parachute
Genre: Alternative Rock
A tidbit about why I like them: I've honestly only been listening to this band for a matter of a few months. But ever since I heard the first song I ever heard by them, I was in love with them. Will's voice is so unique and beautiful. Their music pretty much sums up what I like in a band, and that is... okay this is gonna sound weird... but my favorite kind of music is the kind that sounds like a big city. What I mean is whenever I'm listening to "White Dress" or "Kiss Me Slowly" or some other song by them I'm automatically transported to Chicago or New York. It just sounds like something that I would listen to riding through some big city at night. They may not be very popular, but I honestly can't imagine why they aren't, because their music just seems so perfect to me. And of course it doesn't hurt that they're all gorgeous. ;) But honestly, their music just sets me into this nearly perfect mood. I'm pretty much hooked.
My favorite songs by them: She (For Liz), White Dress, What I Know, Kiss Me Slowly

Band: Lifehouse
Genre: Alternative Rock
A tidbit about why I like them: Of course their most popular song is "You and Me", and I do love that song, but what really hooked me was their song "Everything." Ever since I heard that song, I have loved this band. My boyfriend randomly bought me their first CD a few months ago, and at first I wasn't incredibly impressed with their music. Most of it sounded the same. But the more I listened to the songs, and really listened, the more I fell in love with their music. I discovered that not only was their music the most perfect driving music in the world, but their lyrics were so filled with emotion. Also, like Will from Parachute, Jason has such a unique voice. It can make you want to laugh, cry, whatever. Their music is so filled with feeling and real emotion I can't help but love it.
My favorite songs by them: Blind (listen to this one. just do it.), Everything, Halfway Gone, You and Me

Band: Paul Colman Trio
Genre: Christian
A tidbit about why I like them: I guess I'm honestly a tad biased simply because I've grown up listening to this band. We have two of their CDs, tho I've only really listened to one all that much. But I must make a statement: the Newsboys are overrated. Yeah, that Australian Christian band. They're overrated. Because Paul Colman Trio is an Australian Christian band too, who honestly have a great deal better musical taste, and Paul has a fantastic voice. They're one of the best bands I know, and definitely one of the best Christian bands I know. Their music has the same effect Parachute has on me... it just makes me feel like I'm in some big city. Nooo idea why. But they're fantastic. You should go listen to them.
My favorite songs by them: It's honestly almost impossible to pick only a few favorites because they're all my favorites, but I suppose they would be - I'll Be With You, Solution, Into Your Arms, I Dream.
Tho, really, go buy their CD "One." I'm serious. Go do it now. Now. I mean it. Or I'll come and find you. And make you buy it.

Band: Jonas Brothers
Genre: Pop
A tidbit about why I like them: STOP. I see where you're going. You're running away screaming because I just said that the Jonas Brothers is one of my favorite bands. It's true. But you should stop running because I have an explanation to make. And that simply is: I'm not one of those crazy girls who runs around screaming "JONAS BROTHERS AHHHH." Nope. Yesh, they are quite beautiful, but I really don't care that much. I like them because I adore their music. Not really their earlier work, but their most recent album, Lines Vines and Trying Times is a wonderful work of music. And yes, I'm serious. Just because they're some post-popular boy band doesn't mean they can't play music. Because they can. These guys really are talented, and I appreciate that. Just because I tend to enjoy some chill alternative rock music doesn't mean I don't know a good pop song when I hear it. So that is my explanation. And stop freaking out. I'm serious.
My favorite songs by them: When You Look Me In The Eyes, Fly With Me, Black Keys, Turn Right

Band: U2
Genre: Alternative Rock
A tidbit about why I like them: Simple - they're an 80s British band that has the best taste of music ever. And that is all I have to say about these wonderful men who know how to put a tune together.
My favorite songs by them: I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For, With or Without You, Bullet the Blue Sky

Singer: Chris Rice
Genre: Christian/Folk
A tidbit about why I like him: This guy is my childhood. I grew up with this guy. He's always been one of my favorite singers in the whole world. There's really nothing special about him. He just plays some chill laid-back music. It sounds like the kind of thing you would wake up to on a bright early summer morning. And I have so many memories tied to the songs that he plays. The only bad thing I can I say about him is if you're looking for deep theological Christian music, he isn't the guy. Tho many of his songs are "Christian" they're not very deep. But if you want just some music to chill to, this is the guy to go for. But I'm going to warn you right off the bat: this guy is gonna make you smile.
My favorite songs by him: The Other Side of the Radio, 8th Grade, Circle Up, Nonny Nonny, My Cathedral, Everything's OK, Deep Enough to Dream, Smell the Color 9, The Face of Christ, Home Tonight, Smellin' Coffee, The Power of the Moment, Live By Faith, Lemonade, Wind and Spirit, Missin You.
Yeah... sorry for that many songs. But I adore these songs. If you're interested in getting a CD, get Run the Earth and Watch the Sky, and if you're a Christmas nerd like I am, get his "The Living Room Sessions: Christmas."

Singer: John Mayer
Genre: Blues Rock/Acoustic Rock
A tidbit about why I like him: John Mayer had me with "Why Georgia." There is nothing I appreciate more than a good chill song that I can listen to on the road. And this song is absolutely one of those songs. And his music is just like that. Again, his voice is pretty unique. And his skills on the guitar never fail to impress me. I don't know a lot of songs by him, but the ones that I do know I really adore. They're the kind of songs that I can get stuck in my head and not be annoyed. His soulful music is something that I can't help but love.
My favorite songs by him: Why Georgia, Half of My Heart, Free Fallin (not by him, but I love his cover), Heartbreak Warfare

Singer: Josh Groban
Genre: Operatic Pop
A tidbit about why I like him: If you can reach perfection in singing, this guy has reached it. I've never heard a voice that can make your soul want to fly more than this guy. Every time I listen to his music, I feel like I'm taken to some chill place where I can just sit and think. The soft piano, the perfect opera voice, the melodic movement of the music is near to perfection. The first song I listened to by him was "You Raise Me Up," and as one of my friends Alana continued to go crazy about his music, I kept listening to him more and more, and I became more and more impressed. I haven't listened to all of his songs, but I have to put him as one of my favorite artists simply because his music has made such an impression on me. I really appreciate the realness of his music.
My favorite songs by him: February Song, You Raise Me Up, Bells of New York City

Band: Coldplay
Genre: Alternative Rock
A tidbit about why I like them: As I said about Josh Groban, if perfection of a band can be reached, Coldplay has reached it. I remember the first time I heard of them was when my cousin told me about their song "Viva la Vida," and I thought the lyrics were weird, so I ignored them, generally, as a band. But I kept listening to the song, and I liked it. A lot. I slowly began to hear more and more of their songs, and although I still don't own all of their CDs, I can say without hesitation that Coldplay is one of my top favorite bands. Ever. Their music just sounds like British rock, and there is almost nothing better than British rock. They have the ability to want to make you dance and the ability to make you want to just sit and think. If a band has the ability to do that, they've got to be pretty talented. Coldplay. Rocks.
My favorite songs by them: Every Teardrop is a Waterfall, The Scientist, Violet Hill, Life in Technicolor ii

Singer: Steven Curtis Chapman
Genre: Christian
A tidbit about why I like him: Last of his kind, I promise... but I had to include one more of the guys I grew up with. He's the guy that nearly every Christian will recognize right off the bat, but I'd say there are few people who truly like him as much as I do. I love the sound of his music. You can tell immediately it's him every time, because it just sounds like his music. I can't really go into much detail, because I'd say all of you are Christians and have heard of him. But I simply had to include him because he really is one of my all time favorites!
My favorite songs by him: Speechless, Whatever, Dive, The Change, Live Out Loud, God Is God, See the Glory, All Things New, Only Getting Started, Heaven Is The Face, I Will Trust You, Spring is Coming, Beauty Will Rise
Once again I have to apologize for all these favorites. But I've grown up with this guy... so impossible to choose!

Singer: Michael Buble
Genre: Big band/jazz
A tidbit about why I like him: Well. Maybe his beautiful, soulful voice and big soulful eyes and his way of looking so annoyingly preppy and yet so absolutely perfect that you just want to scream. Once again, my friend Alana kind of got me hooked on his music. I had heard it before, and had some of his music, but it's really been just recently that I've really fallen in love with his perfect voice and 40s/50s jazz-like music, and yet his ability to make it sound so modern and merry. There really isn't anything to not love about his music. His music just makes me so gleeful and bubbly.
My favorite songs by him: Hold On, The Way You Look Tonight (his cover on it), Hollywood, Haven't Met You Yet

Band: The Wallflowers
Genre: Alternative Rock
A tidbit about why I like them: *SQUEE* I love these guys more than I can possibly express. Their music is absolutely driving music. Just that stuff that you want to drive on a long stretch of road to. Jakob is Bob Dylan's son, and he has such a unique voice. This music is so chill and so perfect. My mom bought one of their CDs only a few months ago, but I'm not even joking when I say that we've listened to it hundreds of times. Not an exaggeration at all. My mom and I basically adore this CD, and I don't think I can ever get tired of it, considering that we've already listened to it hundreds of times and haven't gotten tired of it.
My favorite songs by them: One Headlight, Bleeders, Angel On My Bike, The Difference

Singer: Justin Bieber
Genre: Pop/R&B
A tidbit about why I like him: And now you are freaking out as much as you were with the Jonas Brothers. And understandably. Because JB is the big heart throb among girls today, or as Plugged In online astutely described him, "the latest mop-topped poppet." But as I said, I do know a good pop song when I hear one. Also, I think at least a tiny portion of the reason I like him is simply because so many people are such freaks about him. I don't mind poking a little fun at pop singers, but when it gets to the point where people are jokingly say they want to kill him, please shut your face. It's tiring and immature. Also, I'm sick of the gay jokes about him. I mean honestly, he does have impressive musical talent. And although not all of his songs have made a particular impression on me, I do like a lot of his music. If I just feel like dancing around my room to some music, he's a good choice. His musical skill is pretty fantastic, and even if his voice is higher pitched than most, that doesn't mean it's not super impressive and awesome. So yeah... that's all I have to say about this fantastic mop-topped poppet.
My favorite songs by him: Pray, One Time, Never Say Never, Somebody to Love, Next to You (actually a Chris Brown song, but I love this song, and Justin Bieber's contribution to it, a lot), Love Me, U Smile

Band: The Avett Brothers
Genre: Folk Rock
A tidbit about why I like them: I've grown up listening to a lot of bluegrass music, and these guys are the epitome of awesome in that department. They are a perfect mix of bluegrass and rock. I heard of these guys a while ago, but I really got into their music a few months ago when I had the opportunity of hearing them in concert. And these guys. Are. AMAZING. In concert. They make you want to scream, go wild, and heck, they're playing bluegrass. That's pretty talented. I love the excitement and energy they put into their music. They're so creative. I love that their voices aren't flawless. They're almost a little off key, but it's so perfect for their kind of music. And what I love more than anything is that in one CD or one concert, they can sound like a rock band, The Beatles, and a bluegrass band. It's so amazing, because they all seem to go perfectly together. They're fantastic.
My favorite songs by them: Will You Return, The Ballad of Love and Hate, I Would Be Sad, Kick Drum Heart, Die Die Die, Paranoia in B Major, January Wedding, Swept Away, Head Full of Doubt/Road Full of Promise, And It Spread, Pretty Girl From San Diego, Slight Figure of Speech

Band: Relient k
Genre: Punk Rock
A tidbit about why I like them: Um. What is not to like about these guys? They nearly reach perfection of music. In one song you're dieing laughing, and in the next they're pulling your heartstrings. This band is one of the best. I remember I used to be a little ticked because they called themselves a Christian band, but didn't really play that much Christian music. And yeah, it is annoying they call themselves a Christian band. They may be Christians, but they don't play much Christian music. But that doesn't bother me much anymore, because I do appreciate their music. In fact, I love it. Adore it. It's typical fare for me and my brother to be driving down the road blasting some good 'ol Relient k. Lovelovelove their music.
My favorite songs by them: Forward Motion, Be My Escape, In Love With the 80s, College Kids, I Am Understood?, Getting Into You, Trademark
Oh. And get their Christmas album. Best. Christmas album. Ever. Not even joking.

Singer: Taylor Swift
Genre: Country/Pop
A tidbit about why I like her: So. For a while, I was afraid of saying Taylor Swift was one of my favorite singers. Because I didn't want to seem like that girl who was so crazy obsessed with Taylor that she was all she ever listened to. And, admittedly, I used to be that girl. But after my music tastes started broadening and maturing, I didn't really want to say that she was one of my favorites. But now I shall FEARLESSly say that she is one of my favorites. ;) Reason being, like with Justin Bieber and the Jonas Brothers, I know she is talented. Why else would she be so famous? Who can write songs like her, or sing like her? I refuse to deny talent just because it's popular. And I can't help but love her music. Tho I won't claim her to be my favorite singer like I used to, I will never deny that she is one of my favorites. Not only is she talented, but her maturity and her humbleness and her clean music in a world of trash will never stop impressing me. She is one of the first pop singers I started listening to, and I love her to this day. It's kind of hard not to.
My favorite songs by her: Fearless, Hey Stephen, The Way I Loved You, Speak Now, Enchanted, Best Day, Last Kiss, Long Live, Tied Together With a Smile, Stay Beautiful, Should've Said No

Band: Nickel Creek
Genre: Bluegrass/Alternative
A tidbit on why I like them: I remember the first time I saw this (^) CD cover. I looked at my mom. I looked at the CD. I looked at my mom again. I pointed at Chris and said, "He has weird hair." My opinion of them has changed a great deal since that first time I saw them. My favorite CD is absolutely their self entitled CD, as shown above. This is the kind of music that makes me want to go to the Smoky Mountains, go to a remote cabin during cold weather, wrap up in a huge sweater and fuzzy blanket, and listen to this music. They get more into alternative music as their CDs go on, but they still are tied to their bluegrass roots.
My favorite songs by them: The Lighthouse's Tale, When You Come Back Down, Robin and Marian, The Fox, Spit on a Stranger, Speak, When In Rome, Jealous of the Moon

Singer: Ella Fitzgerald
Genre: Swing/Jazz
A tidbit about why I like her: Why? Because dang that lady can sing.
My favorite songs by her: They Can't Take That Away From Me, Let's Call The Whole Thing Off
And her Christmas CD is fantastic!

Singer: Josh Bales
Genre: Country
A tidbit about why I like him: Ladies and gentleman, I have come here today to introduce you to the most musically genius man ever. I'm about 99% sure you've never heard of Josh Bales. And that's because he's a pretty much unheard of guy. But this guy has one of the best, most unique voices you'll ever hear. And you really need to go look him up on iTunes right now and buy all his music. I'm honestly a bigger fan of his earlier music that isn't technically country, but even his country music is a joy to listen to. And also, his Christian music is some of the deepest, most worshipful music you'll ever hear. Give him the support he deserves. Because this guy with a beautiful voice should be heard and everyone should know who he is. He's fantastic.
My favorite songs by him: A Hymn For All the World, Good Day, Grey T-shirt (the acoustic version, not the version off of "If I Was a Prince"), Dark Haired Darling, Wind in My Sails, Satisfied, Intimate, The Trial, I Need You, Only the Sinner, Nature of a Romance, Boardgames
(and if you read my Summit post, you'll know that I got to hear him for two weeks straight at camp, and met him the last day! whoooo!)

Band: David Crowder Band
Genre: Christian Rock
A tidbit about why I like them: Saving best for last.... this band is definitely in my top three favorite bands. I'm usually not a huge fan of Christian music, simply because it all sounds the same. But David Crowder, the second I hear any of their songs, I automatically just want to worship. They're so different. And David? Not only does he look like the local coffee shop type guy, but his voice is incredible. I'm so upset they're breaking up, but the music they have out now is something that I know I'll continue to listen to for years to come.
My favorite songs by them: O Praise Him, Only You, Here Is Our King, Wholly Yours, The Glory of It All, How He Loves, All Around Me, Alleluia Sing

So sorry for this unbelievably long post. But hopefully I haven't completely bored you to death. -giggle-
Goodnight all.

Monday, August 8, 2011

An Update on the Life of Me

So. I haven't been blogging. But honestly, it's because I simply have nothing to blog about. Life has been pretty utterly boring lately. It's been full of geometry and eating Oreos.
But I suppose I should do a blog post, and thus, I am....

First off, I've been awaiting the arrival of autumn. Of cool air and bright blue skies pumpkins. Honestly, to me, you're completely disturbing if you dislike autumn. As I wrote in my journal, "Autumn contains beautiful colors, warm and cozy tastes, crisp air, bright blue skies, fuzzy sweaters and ripped jeans, crunchy leaves and those malicious sweet gum balls in the thousands, spider lilies, gourds and pumpkins, hay rides, bonfires, s'mores, hot chocolate and apple cider, listening to some Coldplay, OneRepublic, David Crowder, and Parachute, drinking lattes at Starbucks, plum and chocolate colored nail polish, boiled peanuts, shopping for long sleeve shirts and even more fuzzy sweaters, and sitting out in the yard looking at weeds and dead leaves and pumpkins and clear bright blue skies. Not adoring all of those things seems like a completely foreign idea to me. Not wanting all of them so badly you could scream and stomp your little feet seems completely inhuman."
I've also been desperately missing Winston. Although I've been a little bit busy, I still have times when I'm just sitting there and I realize he's gone, and I'll just start crying. It still hurts. I'm getting a little bit used to the idea, but it still catches me off guard a lot of times. I'll expect him to go running to the door when my dad comes in from work, or I'll expect him to be sitting in the floor with me and my mom at night while we talk. I'll expect to hear him running out of his crate in the morning, barking and yelping for food. I miss him lotsandlotsandlotsandlots. And lots.

{mr. fluffykins <3 }

Also, I finally decided to get a tumblr. Wow. I have too much to keep up with... Facebook, Twitter, tumblr, a blog, a Youtube account, and accounts on about a billion scholarship websites (really just three, but it takes up a lot of my time). In any case, back on topic. I have found tumblr wonderful, simply because you can post millions of joyous things a day, and nobody cares. If you want to go see it (you know you do), click here. And follow it. Because you're awesome like that.

Another thing... I've begun school. So I'm officially a junior now. An upperclassman. I feel like screaming with joy and completely freaking out. It's kind of weird to realize that I have completed half of my high school career, and after this year, I have one more year with regular school, and then off to college I go. -gasp- That's a scary thought indeed.... So far this year, I've been doing geometry, botany, literature, Bible, geography, fine arts, history, logic, and all sorts of other delightful things. Hopefully soon I'll be starting Chemistry, psychology, Latin (my third year.... here I come Virgil and Cicero (oh how I do despise and hate you, Cicero)), and Algebra 2. That's the thing with being homeschooled: you tend to carry things from one year to the next. But I'm working my tail off to finish everything up and start some more stuff up. This school year has already been crazy... and it's only been going for three days. That should tell you something.

I was finally reunited with my bestestestest friend ever on Sunday, after a month of not seeing each other. It was a horrible month. I nearly died. I seriously screamed when I saw her. Seriously. Well, I already do that anyway since I love her so much.....

Missed this girl:
And this guy

Because they're awesome.
And I wish they were here.

And although I could go on and on about all the other things I've been doing, I really should be playing piano right now.
But I hope all of you have a fantastic day/week/however long until I post next.
Goodnight to everyone.

Monday, August 1, 2011

I am 16 going on 17

I just recently turned 16 years old. And now I suddenly feel old....
Since I was turning 16, however, my friends and I decided that this was definitely a celebratory occasion. And thus we proceeded to party for 25 and a half hours.
Oh yesh.
It all began at my boyfriends house: me, and my buddies: Rachel, Alana, Josh, Steven, Drew, my boyfriend Daniel, bro, Spencer, and cousin, Macy, all went over there about 6:30 to chill out. We had a fantastic time, and had quite a blast.
We went all crazy...
playing an innocent game.
We drank....
We got nearly high....
that is a sugar high, with ice cream and brownies.
That's how we homeschooled Christians roll.
Daniel's parents made a fantastic meal for me ('cause of course I'm that special), and then we played an awesome game, which I won by a point against Drew. Which is amazing. We also blasted some Anberlin, and Macy had us turn out all the lights and told us ghost stories. It was pretty fantastic.
I gathered Alana, Rachel, and Macy together to leave, as they were spending the night with me. We got to my house, all got ready for bed... and by that time, we were laughing hysterically about the stupidest things in the world. Which is dangerous. Especially since our agenda for the evening was to watch two chick flicks. Our first chick flick was Leap Year. "On a cliff! In Ireland! With roses!" Hem. Becoming incoherent... then it was on to While You Were Sleeping. "Peter! Uuughhhh." By this point, we were slapping each other in laughter while falling asleep while squealing in excitement. After about four hours of chick flicks, we proceeded to get four hours of sleep.
And then the next morning we cuddled on my bed all morning and continued to laugh hysterically at the stupidest things.
Rachel: "Madison, Macy is flirting with my foot!"
Me: "Don't worry. She's flirted with weirder things before.... like certain guys."
Macy: "Oh shut up! I didn't know he was 14 years old!"
Perhaps you are beginning to get the picture.

Around noon, Daniel, Drew, and Steven all came over to continue partying it up for my birthday. We ate lunch. Blasted some Coldplay. (WHOOOOOO) And then it was time for cake. Now I absolutely hate it when people sing happy birthday to me. Literally. It embarrasses me so badly, which is a feat in and of itself, as about 99.9% of things do not make me feel awkward. But that is the .01% that does. So I told everyone the only way they could sing happy birthday to me was to dance and jump around while they sang. And guess what.... they granted my wish. I joyfully watched all of them jump around and sway and sing in their horribly off key voices. Oh how I do love them... <3
We ate cake. Listened to music. The girls crashed on the couch. Watched a Psych episode. Then it was off to Starbucks to get caffeine since we were still living on four hours of sleep. Mocha coconut frapp for me, bought with my Starbucks gift card from Steven. I was very joyous. Then off to Barnes & Noble, where Alana and I proceeded to pick up a wedding magazine and look at wedding dresses for an hour, agreeing on nearly every one that we liked or disliked. Then reading Dr. Seuss books. Because that's the only way to go. And then photography books.
And then to Chick-fil-a to eat chicken noodle soup since was cloudy and rainy outside. Then back to my house. Where I nearly crashed. Too. Little. Sleep. At around 8 or so, everyone left. Which shows my point: unless you don't count the four hours of sleep (which I do, 'cause I was partying in my dreams), we partied for 25 and a half hours. And that, my dear people, is the only way to celebrate a 16th birthday.