Saturday, March 31, 2012

BEDA and VEDA? Yes.

So I've decided to take the crazy (stupid) jump into doing BEDA (Blog Everyday in April) and VEDA (Vlog Everyday in April). I'll probably completely fail and do horribly and skip a bunch of days, but I've been so unfaithful to my poor YouTube channel and blog lately, I feel like I should get back into the groove of things and make myself write and talk everyday (not that making myself talk everyday is very hard... *cough*). So. What I want to ask anyone who reads this blog.
I mean anyone.
Even if this is your first time ever looking at my blog.
To give me suggestions on what to write/talk about. I've already got a few ideas, but not enough to last me the entire 30 days of April. Any suggestions are welcome.
Looking forward to writing (and talking) more! I'll post all of my videos on here everyday so y'all can watch them, if you so choose/wish to.
Here we go!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Talk about your experiences with animals as a small child.

Or your favorite letter of the alphabet and why you chose it.