Monday, December 19, 2011

Blessing Deeper Than We Know

Oh it's been so lovely this year.
Of course, when is Christmas not lovely?
But despite the fact that it has been lovely, I've been reminded of things that are even more lovely. And those are the most important things I've learned this year.

I've learned this year that most things that we make out to be so very important really mean nothing at all and the things that we tend to treat with least respect and value are the things that we need to value the most. We take so many things for granted.  Sometimes I think sometimes it takes loss to realize just how important some things are. That occurred to me this year. And it was jolted into me just how much I need to value things I had been neglecting.
I think a lot of times when we grow up, we begin to devalue the more important things.  And we tend to devalue those things because we've been taught and told and had it hammered into us that material things are more important. And perhaps we've heard the cliched, sappy statements about family and friends too many times. And perhaps the world begins to tell us as we become older that looks, money, possessions, popularity, and other completely worthless objects are the things that we need to value most. This year I've begun to learn that those things are pointless. They hold no lasting value. Sure, feeling popular is nice. Having the latest gadget, fine. Being rich, no problems there. Being gorgeous, that's all good. But when we begin to build our lives around if we're popular enough, if we look rich enough, if we're attractive enough, that's when things become ridiculous. We need to go back and remember those perhaps overly sappy, cheesy statements about friends and family. About making a difference. About loving others. Maybe those cliched statements aren't so far off.

The most valuable lesson I've learned this year is to treasure true friendship.
The value of a truly trustworthy friend.

Having people who you can chill out with. 
Sit around and listen to Weird Al songs with.

People who you can be a little crazy with. 
Who will love you anyway
And join in with your insanity

People who you know love you.
And will not matter what.
Who will listen to you, and who you'll listen to.
Who will
hug you.
Tell you it's alright.
The kinds of people who you can cry on their shoulder
and they can cry on yours.
Who you can laugh with.
Who you'll share your deepest thoughts with
and be frank with.
People who you
care about

Those people are the biggest blessings you'll receive in your life. You can't take them for granted. And you can't thank God enough for giving them to you. These people make you laugh, help you through hard times, challenge you to be a better person, and make your life more beautiful than you could ever ask for.

"The blessing it is to have a friend to whom one can speak fearlessly on any subject; with whom one's deepest as well as one's most foolish thoughts come out simply and safely. Oh, the comfort - the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person - having neither to weight thoughts nor measure words, but pouring them all right out, just as they are, chaff and grain together; certain that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and then with the breath of kindness blow the rest away."
-Dinah Craik

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just wanted you let you know that I love, love, looo-ooove your blog!!!! (did i say i liked your blog yet?) lol jk! Anyways, you seem a lot like me:) You seem like you're a really funny person (which i like 'cause i'm a funny person) So yesh, that's all I got.:) Keep up the good blogging! God bless.
Maddy H.